Sept. 9th - BIPOC Grief: Naming the Unnameable with Mushim Ikeda and Damali Robertson

Online daylong for self-identified BIPOC
Saturday, September 9, 2023
10 am - 4:00 pm Pacific time
On Zoom, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Sliding scale

“There is a price in not expressing one’s grief…There can be so much grief that we grow numb from the unfelt and unexpressed emotions that we carry in our bodies. Unexpressed hurt and pain injures our souls.” – Sobonfu Somé, author, teacher, and activist

During this daylong retreat for the BIPOC community, we’ll explore the many faces of grief and loss, including individual, collective, and systemic. How do we learn to be with, even embrace, grief without either bypassing or being overwhelmed by it? Participants are invited to co-create a safer container to practice meditation, engage in small and large group sharing, attend the Dharma talks, and give their grief a space to exist and be expressed. Together, bearing the unbearable and naming the unnameable.

